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Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Shattered Dreams..

Fizza Malik an aspiring law graduate from London School of Law was among those 11 people who were killed during a suicide bombing attack at the Islamabad district court on monday. She was 23 years old a well mannered lady with a sharp innovative mind. Fizza was a mad lover of cricket according to her one close fellow.. it was just a news for an hour over the media. But do you ever thought for a second that what it is like to lost your only child? may be it is quite insulting to all those 11 people who lost their lives too but place your hand over your heart..feel it. Fizza malik got her degree from Northumbria University got back here to serve her nation and in return she was rewarded with a death plenty. She was only daughter of her parent nobody knows what dreams they are chasing for her in past 23 years and they got shattered in less than a minute. she did not mange to live long enough even to see her license to practice law arrive in the mail.

Here is the link an article from Fizza's friend He wrote about how was she as a human.. and here some from her twitter acount.
We can clearly see what a genius fizza was her thinking was beyond self centered  how she was passionate about doing something for the county and How bad it is that we still can not imagine we still don't know how many fizza malik we are going to give away in the name of  popular terrorist group.

May ALLAH give you the highest rank of Jannah. Ameen


  1. here the question arises that after reading this blog how many of us will go out and speak against this case which is very common in our country. Actually, it all happens because we feel sad but we do nothing else. good effort (Y)

    1. Yes you are right to some extent but sidra ain't it is a excuse that because nobody is going to speak for this issue so why should anybody else do? when our youth gt frustrated and walk out of their home for justice and all we usually face things and case like Shahzeb khan's murder issue..but my blog post is about fizza malik which i thought gt neglected or underrated over the media so here i am lighting it up a bit. thanks for liking (:

  2. R.I.P Fizza, I pray to Allah to grand her family sabira-jameel. Now, People should raise their voice together at every forum. It is a matter of everyone's survival. Well done rida you've done your part.. (Y)
