In today’s world cinemas hold much importance in a society
mostly because it gives the people the environment to get entertained largely
because of the use of advance 3D technology and high definition projection
screens that has attractive effect on people. A large group of people in
society are seen heading to cinemas for their own respective purposes that
include avoid being a loner, to enter the new folds of modernization,
displacement of hardships and pressures in life, to be a part of cool movie
gossips circulating the society. But have we think over that how cinemas has
increasingly entered into our cultural customs which are our identity. Every
now and then we see how the cinemas have attacked the audience with latest
movies in an appealing and blown up manner. And the audience is consciously and
unconsciously taking the effects of these movies that they are buying foreign
culture and introducing them in our society. So our lifestyles, preferences,
tastes and ways of interacting with society have changed. The cinemas of
Pakistan are the good index of foreign culture and the main reason behind it is
that they contribute the stuff of cultural life. The owners of the cinemas are
much eager to get their hands on latest English and Indian movies than
Pakistani movies which are rare ,for they have a know how that they have
frequent cinema attendees helping them in generating larger incomes for them.

Pakistani cinemas are more focused towards income parts and
are mostly targeting the elite class with higher ticket purchasing powers and
do not bother to deal time slots to show Pakistani movies that were once the
beauty of Pakistani cinemas such as Armaan , Dosti etc which help in refreshing and reminding
the spirit of Pakistani culture. When
cinemas are used for brand promotions purposes then why not they can be used
for cultural promotion purposes. It would serve as a motivation to our present
generation to be well familiar with our culture norms. Movies like Bol and Waar
do create a buzz in Pakistani cinema markets once or twice in a year but even
these movies were seen by the cultural critics as giving an exaggerated false
picture of Pakistani culture emphasizing on abuse of women, homeless children
and widespread terrorism. The frequent screening of western and Indian movies
by cinema houses has made cinemas their cultural mirror. As a result
westernized trends and Indian rituals and culture have so deeply interfered
into our culture that the social values and Islamic values in our society have
faded away.
Going to cinemas is good for rejoicing. It is fun to watch
movie scenes with blissful movie fans but we should not adopt the foreign culture
shown through films in our local society and should be keen in protecting our
culture. The cinemas also need to be sensitive to cultural issues when deciding
on screening of different movies.
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